Labels:daily | earth | fence | sky OCR: ovmicn te VEN lad thust iuto English ben efices and Zuart f:cm the Italian s wh cm Rom and secular clergy vexe adeinst the Italianised +ae oponent in theranks the hierarchy papal asaumpticns Wyelif's fim est chbish op Canterbury, was in this William Courtenay who 1030 tc had leng grievous struggles with anti- -papel The clergy England their 1S WTB PB they succesaicn detev itant taxaticn but they paaors than doubtless con sidered unjust EM d of the King to the exachicns Rome cn ce that they preferred the and the VaMiCu3 Orders in And. as amattex the Churc had not paid heavy YEM 3C: throughout grOwn 30 cusly rich that ralle share the coat of the STB. the century, and bome avery -deeds TL 3c larde could net have escaped with thei Blacs Death which shook the tee increased aftex viaitaticna tax ...